Sunday, February 17, 2008

Red Head

From Meathead to Red Head.

I began with a Nagel wannabe and then changed her to this glam-puss.  I like her vintage feel and her fire red hair.  Kind of makes me think of a more detailed Shag illustration.  I had fun with the glasses, but I think they may be a bit much overall.  Her hair is cool - I like the distorted, obscene head underneath that hair.  From start to finish, Red took me about 3 hours.  Time for bed and maybe I can do another one tomorrow or work on one of the others in progress.  Don't forget to click on these illustrations to get the large view.  The details make the piece.


Anonymous said...

She should host her own talk show! Love her!!

BillGoat said...

Thanks, Philly!

trick rick said...

Supaglam! Love her little blue elf-shoe ti-- wait, can I say that here?

BillGoat said...

say what you like, Trick! you are among friends!!

jude said...

Haha.. loved that you started from Nagel... now *that* brings back memories of the 80's for me!!! I loved his stuff back then :) Was just looking him up on the web now that you mentioned him and didnt know of his tragic and ironic death.. man!!! freaky! Anyway...... I suspect he would have been doing things like your work if he was still around now :) She's awesome!