Sunday, March 9, 2008


Sketch with some finishing work.  Here, Ororo is the Wind Rider - the goddess of weather.
Just added the beginning of Storm in color. Painter makes me feel like I don't know how to paint anymore.


Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

How'd you learn to draw the human figure so well? (I'm guessing talent + practice is the answer.)
Did you use a model or a photo? Or was that from scratch?
Keep up the great work.

BillGoat said...

that was just from my brain - i think there are many anatomy issues, but thanks for the compliments! Mostly reading comic books and art classes. Practice too, I guess. But Painter is killin' me! I still can't get it to act the way I want it to act.

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Much like your Superman pic, the color is really bringing the picture to life!

Unknown said...

LOVE THIS!!!!! So coin a recently overused phrase, this is FIERCE!!!