Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Post, Old Drawings

Whaaaaat?!?!  I came across my old sketch book and lo-and-behold, I was a better artist then!! It's from 2002 and I think I cared more then to get the lines right, to complete the anatomy, and to get facial expressions down.  I was in a drawing class with an amazing teacher, Glenn Vilppu.  I worked less.  How many other excuses can I come up with?

Now I look at my old drawings, and I don't see the flaws as I did when I was drawing them.  I am the king of self-criticism!  What I do see is the imagination I tell myself I lack.

Glad it was there in 2002!  Now I need it for 2008!!

Here are some examples.  More to come in the next post. 

1 comment:

Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

Those are wonderful!
Makes me want to sketch more myself.
So true about the inner critic getting in the way. It's like a backseat driver.
Glen is/was amazing.
One of those guys who could make a lifelike figure with a few lines.

Thanks for sharing 'em.