Monday, April 14, 2008

Early Daytime Velma

Thought I would take advantage of every minute before I had to return to my life of work.  I still am interested in the Scooby Doo gang, so here is an early Velma.  I kept her iconic turtleneck and skirt, but I am giving her a bit of a 20's goth edge.  I plan on some tattoos and maybe some lace.  I'm not sure what she is doing with her hands at this point.  Oh, and I lost her glasses - I figured she would have contacts in this day and age.


Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

Until you decide what to do with her hands, you could always do the venus di milo thing with her.
p.s. what's the secret to drawing such dynamic human characters. I can draw any animal, but realistic humans are a challenge.

Sean said...

She kinda reminds me a bit of Cate Blanchett in the new Indy movie!

BillGoat said...

Thanks Jenn and thanks, I think Sean Douglas!

Jenn, I don't think I have any secrets - I read a lot of comics and I think I study how artists draw the body more than what the muscles are and how they should look. But the best thing I have learned was about contour - from Glenn Vilppu. They really help me to get perspective (no pun intended) on these figures. And your art is beautiful!! Sean, you too!

Jeremy said...

i cant draw anything but rollercoasters, buildings, and fun fonts. i will never understand your strange witchcraft....

too, i like velma.