Thursday, September 11, 2008

Moose Bride

Here is the finished piece - it's a sneak peek to seeing it in person tomorrow night, Friday, September 12th, at the World of Wonder Gallery show - DollyPop.

Here's a link I found on-line...HERE

Like I said, it's not done exactly the way I would have liked because I ran out of time.
But still, I do dig it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Eye of the Storm

I don't know why that is the title of the post, Eye of the Storm...
This is the eye of the Dolly painting - the one completed eye.  I have a ways to go to finish this painting - and something tells me I will not finish it the way I would want to.  But we all have to let go of unfinished business from time to time.


Here is that eye.