Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some sketches

I broke out the Cintiq once again.

Here are some warm-ups I did.  I'll post more as they are done.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hey Nancy, Want This?

I've gone back to wood and watercolor for this next painting I just finished.  It's for the next WOW Art Show opening on Oct.17th.  The show is titled, "Hollywood DC: Lights! Camera! Election!" and it explores politics and celebrity.

This is from a photo of Nancy Reagan with the Easter Bunny (or more precisely, a guy in a furry Easter Bunny costume).  I have to say, politics aside, Mrs. Reagan had amazing style.  Makes you realize when you see the first lady of the US now that STYLE is missing from the White House.

I loved the image and had fun painting it.  Here's a link to the original photograph (taken in 1981), in case you want to compare.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Moose Bride

Here is the finished piece - it's a sneak peek to seeing it in person tomorrow night, Friday, September 12th, at the World of Wonder Gallery show - DollyPop.

Here's a link I found on-line...HERE

Like I said, it's not done exactly the way I would have liked because I ran out of time.
But still, I do dig it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Eye of the Storm

I don't know why that is the title of the post, Eye of the Storm...
This is the eye of the Dolly painting - the one completed eye.  I have a ways to go to finish this painting - and something tells me I will not finish it the way I would want to.  But we all have to let go of unfinished business from time to time.


Here is that eye.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sneak Peek

I have been asked to be part of another celebrity art show at the World of Wonder Gallery, for which I am very thankful.  And I usually wait for the piece to be complete before I show any works in progress.  But today is a new day and I feel confident about the painting.  It's acrylic on canvas and so far, it's still in the under-painting phase.  Shading, to be precise.  The celebrity is another iconic star - Dolly Parton.  And of course, I have to add the odd animal to the piece.

Updates to come - hope you enjoy.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Drawing and Shading Kids

I spent the afternoon drawing and doodling and I ended up with this sketch.  It's fairly straight forward and simple, but I really liked the drawing in the corner.  It seemed very Norman Rockwell, middle America to me.  I tried to make the side view the same character, but I don't think I was as successful.  

Shading the characters with white can be a good technique - I have been experimenting with it for a few sketches now.  It's bringing out the areas that the light is hitting.  For some reason, I didn't shade in the darks on this drawing.  I think I was afraid that I would overwork the sketch. 

I have also been working at my cross hatching.  Looking again, I probably went too far with the lighting - it's a bit overpowering on these simple sketches and I definitely went too far on the last post!  Less is more.  I have to learn when to stop.

Is it me, or is it harder to stop sketching when you are doing it digitally?  I feel like the eraser is so complete and you never damage the paper or are left with faint pencil lines.  When I start a sketch on actual paper, I work faster and get through more sketches and more pages.  I am more willing to accept the imperfections of my line because I am more willing to accept the low shelf-life of the drawing. 

Enough of my rant.  Here's the sketch.  Comments are always welcome.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Warm-up Drawing

It's funny that I am calling this a warm-up because I am not drawing anything after it.  I spent a few hours on this (probably too long).  I don't know who it is, though it looks like the comic book character Quicksilver.  Though maybe too sympathetic of a portrayal.
More to come...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Guess Who?

I did this post Africa, and it lives in my current sketchbook.  I thought it was funny that later, she built her own school there.  Coincidence?  I think not.  My sketchbook is magic.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Another Favorite

I'll let the text on the page speak for itself.

My FAVORITE African Drawing

I know it's a bit crude, but in the interest of sharing...

We were on a 10 day safari in Tanzania.  I asked our Field Guide, Chris, what the strangest thing he had ever seen on safari.  
"A baboon mating with an impala"

I had to draw it.  I think it's one of the best drawings I have ever done.


I love peeks into people's sketchbooks.  I have been working on this Moleskine book for a couple years now, but you wouldn't know it by looking at it.  However, it has been with me to Africa, Europe, and India.  I really cherish some of the drawings, especially those I did in Africa - Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zanzibar.  They are all pencil and some have some watercolor color additions.  Here are a few from then, circa 2005. 

The top drawing is from Rwanda.  I was fascinated by the clothing - mostly the combinations of western clothing and the traditional prints.  I think you can read what I wrote in this journal styled entry.  Oh, and that was a white flower I pressed in the book.  It turned purple in a matter of weeks!

Next is from the second part of the African journey - Tanzania.  There we met many of the tribs that still exist (to an extent) in Eastern Africa.  This is my rendering of a Maasai warrior. 

Third is from the last leg of our African tour - Zanzibar.  It's an amazing island where I got the best buys.  I found one shop that had the best selection of antiques, both African and Islamic, I have ever seen.  I would go back just to shop.  However, we got to spend a bit of time on the beach where I did this drawing of the Muslim woman, a starfish, and the tower in the background.  It's unfinished.

Lastly, this was an unfortunate site we passed by on the way back from seeing the gorillas.  (Another story).  But this poor boy was biking and had been hit by a car on these gravelly, curving roads.  I can never let this image leave my mind.  This drawing was an attempt.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wolverine Sketch

In the interest of adding posts and keeping this blog interesting...  Really early version, here.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Silly Sketch

Quite possibly the dumbest sketch in the universe.  I just started and soon it became the poster for Standardized Testing in the 70's.  At least it's goofy and tells some semblance of a story.  That's a step in the right direction, I guess.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More from 2002

New Post, Old Drawings

Whaaaaat?!?!  I came across my old sketch book and lo-and-behold, I was a better artist then!! It's from 2002 and I think I cared more then to get the lines right, to complete the anatomy, and to get facial expressions down.  I was in a drawing class with an amazing teacher, Glenn Vilppu.  I worked less.  How many other excuses can I come up with?

Now I look at my old drawings, and I don't see the flaws as I did when I was drawing them.  I am the king of self-criticism!  What I do see is the imagination I tell myself I lack.

Glad it was there in 2002!  Now I need it for 2008!!

Here are some examples.  More to come in the next post. 

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Getting Back

I took a break to relax and get my head straight after the last show.  So I am back and I am starting slowly, trying to play around again with Painter.  Sometimes it's my friend, and other times, not so much.  As a result, I am not posting my coloring tests as of yet.  But I thought I would post an updated Velma.  I just wanted to make her a bit less abstract.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Leda Progress

Here is the progress movie I promised.  Thanks to Quicktime - I just had to export it for the web.  Again, this is currently featured in the World of Wonder art show, Dial M for Madonna.

Oh, and the image that starts the movie is actually my really rough sketch on the back of my Iron Man ticket stub.  I did it while I was driving home.  Some people text while driving, others doodle.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Art Show

It was a fun night - I was enjoying watching people take their pictures posing with my painting.  Thanks to World of Wonder for putting on these types of shows and for asking for my submissions.  

As promised, here is a movie of the progress - I thought I documented it fairly well, but when it comes down to a small flash movie, you don't see too much.  

A fun fact, I started this painting while driving to an appointment.  I scribbled down the idea on the back of my Iron Man ticket stub.  That's the first image you see.

Enjoy the movie. 

Oh, and here are a couple pics of the soiree, Friday night at the WOW Art Gallery.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Dial M for Madonna art show

Here is my final piece - I will post a little movie on the progress over the last two days.
The show is tonight - in 2 hours!

By the way, the painting is Acrylic  on Canvas - and is titled Leda.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Early Daytime Velma

Thought I would take advantage of every minute before I had to return to my life of work.  I still am interested in the Scooby Doo gang, so here is an early Velma.  I kept her iconic turtleneck and skirt, but I am giving her a bit of a 20's goth edge.  I plan on some tattoos and maybe some lace.  I'm not sure what she is doing with her hands at this point.  Oh, and I lost her glasses - I figured she would have contacts in this day and age.


Sketches and updates to 
my Scooby line.  I think the square-jaw may be Fred.  Work has been really busy so I got the time last night around 3am to work on these.  More to come, especially now that I got the internet back up at home.  Comments always welcome.

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Mystery Machine

I have no idea of how this idea came to me - and these sketches are extremely preliminary.  I wouldn't publish them except I haven't published ANYTHING in a long while.  So here are two...
I wanted to do updated modern versions (less stylized) of the Scooby Doo gang.  Maybe I will add Don Knotts at the end for the celebrity guest star!  

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bad Sketches

Well, you have to start somewhere!

Just added the Batgirl prelim sketch.  I think I will pursue this one.  Ok, off to work!

Sunday, March 16, 2008